November 30, 2020 2:09 pm Published by

His name is Chucho and he is a Mexican white pomeranian. You wonder who I am talking about. It is our office dog at our Fulham workspace. Having a pet in the workplace brings a lot of advantages which Cosmonauts as a pet-friendly company is excited to share with you.

Reduced stress and nurtured productivity

It is scientifically proven that dogs and in general pets in the office can help decrease stress levels and improve employee job satisfaction. Stress in the workplace is inevitable but it can be reduced by pets and their positive influence on the work environment. If you just think about how adorable dogs are, it makes complete sense that having them around in the workplace would be a mood booster. Dealing with the pressure of a tight deadline? Take a deep breath, pat a dog, smile, and hop to it! Taking short breaks outside, walking the dog to do its exercise could have a magical effect on the productivity of your employees, returning refreshed and engaged.

Employee retention

Even though pet friendly workplaces are becoming more common, they still aren’t the norm. Many employees who have pets and like bringing their pets to the office are inclined to stay with companies that allow them to do so. According to Fortune, 53% of people working in a non-pet friendly environment would consider staying with the company if they allowed them to bring their pet to work. Retaining good employees is an important part of the formula when it comes to the overall success and growth of an organization. Many companies struggle with keeping employees happy and satisfied. Therefore, many companies introduce dog-friendly policies to the list of workplace benefits, aiming at attracting and maintaining talent, particularly with respect to millennials. 

Improved work relationships and collaboration

Pets tend to bring people together. They are great conversation starters and can encourage healthy, productive relationships, collaboration and socialization between employees. Particularly in workplaces where people tend to stick to themselves and are introverts, office dogs encourage team building. Pets create an instant shared interest and can be an incentive for deeper conversations which is great for improving the communication within organizations. Poor communication can be a burden for productivity. Dogs and in general office pets provide more social support for employees and more opportunities for coworkers to interact in a positive setting.

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